Tragic Incident Unfolds: Laptop Reveals Culprit’s Motive

Tragic Incident Unfolds: Laptop Reveals Culprit's Motive

A shocking incident occurred in the city where the head of a household, engaged in the garment business, committed suicide after killing his wife and three children. The incident took place at Feroz Naz Apartments on Faisal Highway, where the police discovered five bodies. The alleged perpetrator, Ahsan Raza, had suffered losses in his business three to four months ago, leading to this tragic outcome. The ages of the deceased children ranged from 3 to 7 years old.

Tragic Incident Unfolds: Laptop Reveals Culprit's Motive

(Urdu Point News – January 23, 2024)

Community Shocked by Tragedy Amid Economic Struggles

Before taking his own life, the suspect left a note on paper, written in English, detailing domestic matters and financial troubles. In the note, Raza instructed to check a Word file on his laptop, emphasizing that he had documented everything there.

The note mentioned, “I, Syed Ahsan Raza Rizvi, am committing suicide after killing my wife and children. Please check the Word file on the laptop’s desktop, where I have detailed everything.”

The note further expressed that his children and Nada had become martyrs, and they were unaware of his intentions. Raza wrote, “Goodbye to my father, mother, sister, and other relatives. Allah Hafiz. Sorry, Sami, I had no other way. ARY News reported that the police accessed the Word file on the laptop, revealing more chilling details. Raza had written in the note, “If I survive this, please kill me.”

The pistol used in the incident had been stolen, and Raza had not disclosed this to his friend Sami, from whom he had stolen it. In the note, he also mentioned borrowing money and provided details of his domestic expenses. It’s important to note that initially, the police had considered the incident a targeted killing, but evidence later confirmed the gunshot wounds.

A neighbor of the accused revealed that Ahsan Raza was distressed due to financial difficulties and unemployment. The deceased neighbor had been living in the house given by his mother. The tragedy highlights the grim consequences of economic hardship on individuals and their families.


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