mak times


FIFA's Blue Card Controversy: Reimagining Discipline in Football

FIFA’s Blue Card Controversy: Reimagining Discipline in Football

Amidst FIFA’s Blue Card Controversy, the discourse surrounding the introduction of this novel disciplinary measure has sparked significant debate within the football community. This innovative proposal aims to redefine how infractions are addressed on the pitch, potentially reshaping the landscape of football discipline. Let’s delve deeper into this contentious topic and explore its implications for…

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Human Rights Commission of Pakistan Demands Immediate Restoration of Internet and Mobile Services

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has called upon the government to immediately restore internet and mobile services. According to reports, voting for the general elections 2024 is underway across the country, yet despite clear orders from the Sindh High Court, mobile services have been shut down. HRCP stated in a press release amidst…

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Bilawal Bhutto and Asif Zardari Also Cast Their Votes | General Election 2024

Bilawal Bhutto and Asif Zardari Also Cast Their Votes | General Election 2024

Bilawal Bhutto and Asif Zardari exercised their voting rights in the elections. Asif Zardari expressed confidence in the Pakistan Peoples Party’s future, while Bilawal Bhutto cast his vote in Naudero. Get insights into their voting activities and the electoral process in this informative piece. Bilawal Bhutto and Asif Zardari Also Cast Their Votes The Pakistan…

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Religion in Pakistani Politics: Insight into Jamaat-e-Islami's Election Campaign

Religion in Pakistani Politics: Insight into Jamaat-e-Islami’s Election Campaign

It’s a chilly evening in Mansoora, a locality in Lahore, and hundreds of people have gathered in the mosque at the headquarters of Jamaat-e-Islami for the evening prayers. Among them is the Secretary-General of Jamaat-e-Islami, Amir-ul-Azim. After the prayer, people on cars, motorcycles, and rickshaws form a rally-like procession in the nearby market, promoting their…

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Directive for Peaceful and Transparent Conduct of General Elections in Punjab

Directive for Peaceful and Transparent Conduct of General Elections in Punjab

Directive for Peaceful and Transparent Conduct of General Elections in Punjab .Instructions for Comprehensive Arrangements to Ensure Smooth Electricity and Internet Services at Polling Stations, Installation of Smart Media Facilities Outside Each Polling Station for Transparent Election Results and Media Access: Chief Minister’s Oversight Directive for Peaceful and Transparent Conduct of General Elections in Punjab…

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