Imran Khan Challenges Government Lawyers’ Cleanliness Decision in Cipher Case

Imran Khan Challenges Government Lawyers' Cleanliness Decision in Cipher Case

Imran Khan, the leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has challenged the cleanliness decision of government lawyers in the Cipher Case. According to details, the founder and chairman of the PTI have filed a petition in the Islamabad High Court through his lawyers, requesting that the court declare the January 26 verdict in the Saifur case null and void. The petition further urges that the actions taken after the cleanliness decision of government lawyers should also be declared null and void.

Imran Khan Challenges Government Lawyers’ Cleanliness Decision in Cipher Case

Imran Khan Challenges Government Lawyers' Cleanliness Decision in Cipher Case
Imran Khan Challenges Government Lawyers’ Cleanliness Decision in Cipher Case

In this regard, PTI leader Barrister Gohar stated that he has witnessed the murder of justice before his eyes in Adiala Jail, where legal proceedings against Imran Khan in fake cases are being conducted contrary to the principles of law and justice. He emphasized that judges are bound by the fundamental constitutional requirements to conduct fair hearings regardless of the nature of allegations in any case.

In a statement, he said that maintaining transparency and at least the standards of justice in such sensitive cases are also the responsibility of the judges. Providing justice to the country’s most popular political leader is a matter of upholding justice. Therefore, an appeal has been made to the Chief Justice to take notice of this case, ensure an immediate hearing, and handle the serious deviations occurring in the proceedings of a fair hearing. Regardless, we will challenge today’s legal proceedings before the Supreme Court.

Barrister Gohar mentioned that the Chief Justice of the Islamabad High Court is expected to promptly fix a date for the hearing of our request, and it will be heard openly. As for those who are busy drawing lines in the name of the nation’s most popular leader, they should remember that Allah, the Lord of Honor, will not let the honor of the nation’s leader be tarnished with His unparalleled mercy and support for the people of Pakistan.


Note : This article was published by an Urdu point author and only represents the author’s personal opinion. if there is any infringement. please contact us to delete or feedback.

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