Criticism on Former Captain Babar Azam Turns Costly for Journalist

Criticism on Former Captain Babar Azam Turns Costly for Journalist

Former captain Babar Azam faces criticism from a prominent journalist, leading to controversy.Renowned sports journalist Shoaib Jutt, associated with the field of athletics, has approached the Sindh High Court to secure himself and his family.

Criticism on Former Captain Babar Azam Turns Costly for Journalist

The Supreme Court issued notices to the Inspector General of Sindh, DG FIA, and other relevant authorities. The Sindh High Court, in response to the application of the well-known sports reporter Shoaib Jutt, also sought a response from the concerned parties.

Shoaib Jutt, a prominent sports journalist, is represented by Advocate Osman Farooq. Osman Farooq, the lawyer of Shoaib Jutt, stated that his client expressed his opinion on the performance of star batter Babar Azam in an interview with a TV channel.

Following the expression of this opinion on TV, Shoaib Jutt started receiving threats. Advocate Osman Farooq claims that serious consequences are being threatened against Shoaib Jutt. The hearing of the application filed by Shoaib Jutt was conducted by a two-member bench headed by Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto.

It is noteworthy that Shoaib Jutt is a respected figure in sports journalism, and this legal move is aimed at ensuring the safety and protection of himself and his family in the face of perceived threats. The court’s intervention is expected to address the matter and provide necessary protection.

In the ongoing legal proceedings, Shoaib Jutt’s lawyer, Advocate Osman Farooq, emphasized the importance of freedom of expression and the right of journalists to express their opinions without fear of reprisal. He argued that journalists play a crucial role in shaping public discourse and should be allowed to voice their opinions without facing threats or intimidation.

The Sindh High Court has taken a serious view of the matter, acknowledging the potential risks faced by journalists in the course of their professional duties. The court has directed the Inspector General of Sindh, DG FIA, and other relevant authorities to provide a detailed report on the threats received by Shoaib Jutt. This move aims to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the situation and take appropriate measures to safeguard the journalist and his family.

Additionally, the court has ordered an investigation into the alleged threats against Shoaib Jutt and sought clarification from the concerned authorities regarding the steps taken to address the issue. The two-member bench, led by Justice Naimatullah Phulpoto, has expressed its commitment to upholding the principles of freedom of the press and protecting journalists from any form of harassment.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the case has garnered attention from various media organizations and press freedom advocates who are closely monitoring developments. The outcome of this case is expected to set a precedent for the protection of journalists and their right to express opinions without fear of repercussions, contributing to a safer and more secure environment for media professionals in the region.


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